Zazu had some new experiences today. But first, Zazu is still fully flighted. He cried for breakfast then flew away mid meal. I guess he doesn't want as much right now. After a few flights, he is ready for his nap. He will just sleep whereever he lands so I bring him back to his cage when I notice him getting sleepy.

Then he got some time out with Benu. At first Benu wasn't so interested in coming out of his cage, but after some time he came out with a flutter. Benu still can't fly it seems and can only flutter across the floor. I am letting his wing feathers grow out so he can learn how to fly proper, which I don't think he ever learned from his horrible wing clippings.
Anyways, Benu did finally come out. I put Zazu on the floor and he ran straight for Benu. Benu ran from Zazu during most of the experience. What is funny is how much bigger Zazu is to Benu. My poor little gray boy is skinny. Zazu would try to touch Benu's back feathers with his beak and Benu would step away. They were so cute. Maybe Benu doesn't know what to do with such a young pushy baby.

With all the flying Zazu does, I have to keep him contained more in his hamster cage which is now much too small for his activities. So he got his adult cage today. Zazu was not happy about this at all. In time he will settle. I was hoping on getting him a nicer cage, but this one will do until the one I want goes on sale.

So will tomorrow be the day his feathers get clipped? It is so hard to clip those beautiful wings, but necessary for his safety here in the apartment.
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