I was hoping for him to molt later since this means he will be growing new flight feathers. It is rather unfortunate that his current wing cut is horrible. Too many feathers were taken which causes him to just be able to flutter around hopelessly instead of glide. I wanted to hand tame him before he molted so I can let his wing feathers grow out. This way he can learn to fly properly and then give him a better cut. We will have to see how things go.
At least he is eating better. He seems to be eating some of the mash he gets. I offer him more sprouted seeds than dried ones since he takes them that way now. I do need to mince his vegetables up and mix it into his mash better. I plan to go to the health store this week to buy a few more foods for him.
As of yet, he still has no name. It has been very difficult to decide what fits him.

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