Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Benu Wants Out

For the past couple days I have noticed Benu coming to the front of the cage peering out. I have never seen him so interested on what was on the outside world like this before. Then today he was climbing the front bars of his cage (first time seeing this) while curiously looking around outside his cage. To really understand how odd this is, for all the times Benu was out of his cage, he came out because I asked him to "up-up" onto my finger and took him out. It wasn't because he wanted out. Only a few times has he been on his play gym and again, each time he got there was because I put him there.

So today, I put his play gym near his cage and opened his doors. It didn't take long before he was out on his gym content with eating millets there.

I am happy he is becoming curious of the world beyond his cage and getting braver. I hope for the day he seeks me out.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Plants for Budgies

I suppose I should give some feedback on how my plants are doing.

The white clover plant outdoors was doing very poorly for unknown reasons, while the plant indoors was doing well under a full spectrum bulb. They enjoyed chewing on clovers and the clover flowers from time to time. It takes about a month before you get flowers and you don't get many flowers. I think this one is best for outdoor in the ground sort of planting where you have more room to grow it. The seeds are not expensive either so reserving a part of your yard to grow this is nice. I sure wish I had a yard...

The pot containing carrots and radish did not fare so well when a mushroom kept popping up in there. I kept removing the mushroom since I don't want it to spread to my other pots. In the end, I took out 4" of top soil from that pot and now use it for the 2nd Jack-Be-Little pumpkin plant. My dogs sure enjoyed the radish tops. Even the budgies got it from time to time.

I also have another Jack-Be-Little pumpkin plant in a large pot outside of my patio. This plant has been growing well and has been a bit difficult keeping it on supports so it goes upward. It has been flowering for over a week now, but it is hard to say if any are the fruit bearing ones. Pumpkin plants have flowers of separate genders. Most are of one gender, the non-fruit bearing ones. So we will have to wait to see if I get any pumpkins before the season is no longer good for the plant. As mentioned above I have a smaller plant still on the patio. Once it grows up more I will put it outside.

The last of the plants are the greens. They are the broccoli, red chard, mustard, and spinach. These are not as big as I hope they would be so I will just leave them to grow some more. Maybe I need cooler weather for them too, so I may grow some more a little later to see how they fare. Either way I do pluck leaves from time to time for budgie entertainment (or dog chewing).

I do have millet and canary seed plants, but they haven't been doing much. They grew out like grass then nothing. Maybe they need more direct sun or something they are not getting on my patio.

All in all, growing plants for pets is a lot of fun. I do wish I had more room to experiment or even a yard. Lack of direct sunlight sure is hard to deal with at times and is limiting.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fly Free


It is hard to say that my little Kon had passed on today way before his time. He showed no sign of being ill that I noticed and was fine when I went to work. I am very heartbroken that it happened suddenly and I don't know why. =( He was so young still. Benu will miss him dearly. =(

Fly Free Kon...